
Rosso 500

For connoisseurs only. The birth of a perfume, like that of wine, follows the rhythm of seductive music. Intense sensory notes, vibrant colors. Warm and inviting atmospheres for the pleasure of experiencing their spaces in intimate or convivial moments.

Showing all 6 results

PACKAGING TYPE* PRICE STEP 1 (from 300 to 500 pz) each PRICE STEP 2 (from 500 to 950) each PRICE STEP 3 (from 950 to 1500) each
Transparent high-barrier bag 2.50€ 2.40€ 2.05€
Black booklet board 3.90€ 3.80€ 3.45€
Black booklet board with print 4.20€ 4.10€ 3.85€
Black matchbox 4.10€ 4.00€ 3.65€
Black matchbox with print 4.40€ 4.30€ 3.95€